Cisalpina informs you

Timely information can allow you to modify your travel plans as necessary, so as to set the trip at the most profitable time, at the optimal conditions and making use of all possible favorable contingencies.

In addition, our newsletters contain information about market trends, news about the offer, any new rules that affect business travel.

Good to know

It’s the information channel for those who want to receive updates on strikes and other useful information related to the destination countries.

Power to share

Through the newsletter “Power to share” you can be up to date on market trends, new services and the recent news related to the business travel sector

Alert and safety

To receive advices immediately on any extraordinary events – socio-political events, natural disasters, risk situations and strikes


Tips for a Safe Travel

To support you in managing the many operational challenges that our industry and travelers are facing, in accordance with the difficulties of the business travel market, Cisalpina Tours published this document collecting information and useful suggestions for the best management of the business trips.

«Cisalpina Tours for a safe travel» aims to provide you with a guide to the planning and management of your business missions, in all its phases. We have collected advice and recommendations from experts and insiders to allow you, if possible, to limit some inconvenience related to the new way of travelling, that the entire industry is facing.