Cisalpina Tours

Goes International

Cisalpina Tours’ Future

The future of Cisalpina Tours lies in internationalization: the TMC has already opened several foreign offices-New York, Santos, Limassol, Istanbul, Paris, Hamburg, Madrid, Geneva, and London-to continue the journey of international expansion in 2025.

Foreign offices

In the global context in which Cisalpina Tours operates, some foreign offices have specific peculiarities.
The hub of international expansion is New York City, with long-time professionals in business travel, with strong experience in the processes of optimizing travel and travel spending. Instead, Limassol (Cyprus) is the specialized location for customers in the maritime sector.
Business travel requires deep experience and long-standing relationships of trust to establish a network of suppliers that guarantee appropriate operational support and competitive pricing.

This is an innate advantage at Cisalpina Tours as part of the MSC Group, world leader in logistics and cruises.

This is an innate advantage at Cisalpina Tours as part of the MSC Group, world leader in logistics and cruises.

Synergies and value generation

The MSC Group structures with which Cisalpina Tours will collaborate in very close synergy guarantee extraordinary opportunities for all the business communities in the territories.
The deep knowledge of the needs of corporate travelers in all markets, the expertise and many years of professionalism of the local teams are able to offer real added value to companies that choose Cisalpina Tours as their preferred TMC.

The 4 innovation’s pillars

Flexibility, quality, reliability and sustainability are the 4 elements on which the continuous evolution of Cisalpina Tours is based.


It means building a customer-tailored service model. Therefore, do not impose your own standard but implement technology and operating methods that are perfectly in line with your business needs. Essentially, it’s the transition from supplier to partner.


In a broadest sense, means placing the traveler, as a person, at the center of the process. We support client companies in building travel policies not as a control tool but as a guarantee model for the well-being and efficiency of employees during business travel. It is therefore the transition from cost saving in an absolute sense to value for money.


It means guaranteeing services and assistance 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in any emergency condition, with the same personnel and the same systems as ordinary activities. It is the transition from continuous operations to customer care.


It means spreading a travel culture that respects the environment. It is a question of interpreting and making effective the sensitivities of individual travellers, as well as obviously the policies of the companies they belong to. It is the passage, then, from the certification of information to conscious and virtuous interaction. This will certainly be the most complex challenge of the coming years.

A big client-centric player

Great numbers​

  • 52 years of experience in travel mobility
  • ​800 customers global and national
  • ​Over 2 million transactions per year
  • ​N° 1 alongside the Italian Public Administration
  • ​€ 400 million of average turnover
  • 500 dedicated professionals. ​
  • 5 multilingual consulting centres.​​

Great services ​

  • An integrated and tailor-made system, based on an agile and flexible organization
  • Personalized multicluster services: corporate, seamen, leisure, luxury, missionary, welfare, bleisure
  • ​Vip service Team
  • ​Emergency service h24/7/365
  • ​58,000 total calls handled in 2019.
  • 95% telephone responses in 30‘’
  • ​90% customer satisfaction level.